A foundation dedicated to transforming education.

Focused on changing the future of education

We are committed to ensuring humans are not beaten down with the realistic expectations of an outdated model. 

We do this by rallying communities, opening people’s eyes, facilitating connections, and ultimately building a movement focussed on relentlessly protecting the unrealism that we are all born with. 

With current education systems built for scale and efficiency rather than individual personal experience, this is no easy task and requires a long-term mission.  It’s one we can’t do alone. 

With a diverse range of solutions needed to address the propagation of knowledge and translation to learning we’ve adopted a different approach and are harnessing as many brilliant minds as possible to tackle it. The Unrealistic Foundation acts as a connector and enabler, investing in companies that are reinventing education from their own perspective. 

“For new and better realities to exist, we need to be Unrealistic”

Yeah, but what do you do?

The Unrealistic Foundation invests in companies or startups that have both the ambition and desire to find better ways to educate and learn. We don’t support programs, projects, or charities, we instead look for a sustainable business model with real potential to disrupt. The model can be for profit or not for profit, but it’s important to have a sustainable model. 

Our funding model is built off of patrons who join the fund all driven by a shared belief in the need to reinvent our education systems. Funds are also generated from the profits of our beautifully designed Unrealistic tee shirts. Truth be told we never planned to sell tees but the Unrealistic movement gathered enough pace and enough people starting to hunt the tees down that we thought if all the profits from sales go to the fund and the messaging on the tees encourages unrealistic thinking then why not.

In the spirit of transparency, we share the numbers, initiatives, and impacts so you can see how it’s all coming together. We are a Foundation. We take no monetary benefit from purchases beyond what we need to pay our fabulous contributors. As founders, our time is voluntary with our focus on finding ways to financially support others in the quest to transform the system.

Want to get involved?

We know what ‘realistic’ feels like, we experience it every day. Knowing where to start can be overwhelming so if you are disgruntled with the current education system and want to contribute, contact us!

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We are working on all sorts of ways to increase our impact across the world. Hit subscribe to keep up to date.